Please share this useful tool to Facebook groups. Hindi Typing Shortcut Key Code Alt Code Alt Key Code Chart. If you have any suggestion or facing any problem regarding typing test, you can comment on our facebook page we will be happy to help you. If you are preparing for any typing exam in Hindi font then this software will help to increase the speed and accuracy. Here you can perform Hindi Kruti Dev typing test, Mangal Typing test, and Inscript typing test for free and there is no need to buy expensive software such as Typing tutor or Typing master. We provide the best typing software for practicing Hindi typing. Note: Password of PDF file > hinditypingtest.in About Hindi Online Typing Test legal Size Hindi Typing Chart Kruti Dev Devlys Hindi font Download PDF JPG Big Large Format. Download Hindi Typing Character Code Chart PDF.Hindi Remington Gail Keyboard Layout PDF & Image.Extract the Zip File and look for krutidev-010-hindi-font-download.ttf file. Download krutidev-010-hindi-font.zip from above given link. Hindi Remington Keyboard Layout Krutidev Devlys Font Image & PDF To install Kruti Dev 010 Font on your computer, you need to follow these simple steps.So it is an extra benefit for mangal font typing on Remington (GAIL) Keyboard when you practice Krutidev Hindi typing. There is a slight difference in Remington Keyboard and Remington (GAIL) Hindi Keyboard. Best Online Remington Gail Free Hindi Typing Test ( ) Tutorial based on Kruti Dev 010 Font, Learn, Practice & Increase WPM Speed in Hindi Typing. Here you can download the keyboard layout and Kruti dev character code chart. In this keyboard, you need some special character code to type those characters because it is not visible by default. Therefore you can practice Hindi typing in Remington Hindi keyboard. Remington (typewriter) Keyboard is used for typing in Krutidev and Devlys font.

Hindi Typing Keyboard and Special Character Code