Realising that he can't continue forever unlike his immortal friend, Dolan 36th introduces Kaulder to another priest in Dolan 37th (Elijah Wood) who will take over the reigns as Kaulder's sidekick.

We next see him in present day where he is still fighting the evil forces, this time with a priest bestowed with the title of Dolan 36th (Michael Caine). Just before he succeeds in eliminating the Witch Queen (Julie Engelbrecht), she curses him with immortality. Kaulder (Vin Diesel) is an 800 year old warrior whose main goal in life is to rid the world of witches. It also doesn't help when the majority of the film is set at night with quite a few of the action scenes being difficult to see. There is a fair bit of action that makes use of Diesel's physical presence but the movie is bogged down in expository dialogue and a story that is incomprehensible at times. If Vin Diesel is planning to star in another franchise after the successes of The Fast and the Furious and Riddick, he has another think coming.